Amir SZOLD IsraelMedical DirectorAssia Medical Group

Amir Szold, MD, is a pioneer laparoscopic surgeon, trained in surgery in Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem and Mount Sinai Medical Center New York. In the late 90’s he was the founder and first president of the Israeli Society of Endoscopic Surgery, and was a Board Member, and the Technology CommiKee Chairman, European AssociaLon of Endoscopic Surgeons, a member in the Technology CommiKee of SAGES, and Board Member, Israeli Society of Surgeons. He currently serves in the Steering CommiKee of iSMIT and an Editor of MITAT. Dr. Szold has publishes over 100 papers in peer reviewed journals, presented hundreds of presentaLons in InternaLonal congresses, and performed many internaLonal live-surgery workshops. Dr. Szold is heavily involved in medical innovaLon. He is the Founder, advisor and board member in mulLple medical device startup companies in Israel and Europe, covering fields of 3D vision, roboLcs, soT Lssue replacements, surgical glues, laser technology, smart materials and laparoscopic devices. He is a member of the lucraLve 8400 Healthcare Network, the Founder and Medical Director of Assia Medical Group in Tel Aviv, and the co-founder and current advisor of the Physicians for Human Rights volunteer clinic for illegal immigrants and refugees, Tel Aviv, Israel.