Robotic surgery in urology

20 Oct 2023 15:05 15:25
Yu-Chuan LU Speaker

The robotic surgery has gained significant popularity in Taiwan, particularly in the field of Urology. Currently, there are 62 Da Vinci Surgical Systems installed in Taiwan, comprising 50 Xi systems and 12 Si systems. The majority of procedures performed with the Da Vinci Surgical System are urological surgeries, such as prostatectomy and partial nephrectomy.

We would like to introduce two noteworthy developments. Firstly, we will discuss the current techniques employed for neurovascular bundle preservation in Robotic-assisted Prostatectomy. Secondly, we will present recent advancements in 3D Kidney Analysis, which may prove beneficial in the context of robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy. These techniques have the potential to enhance surgical outcomes in robotic urological surgery, making procedures more efficient and effective.